The writing of a girl who likes heavy metal and dolls houses, making things and charity shopping

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to one and all! 

Here are a couple of pictures taken on my favourite night of the year, Christmas Eve. Carol singing at my local pub. Ancient, type written, beer stained song sheets complete with spelling mistakes, and in some cases completely different lyrics!

As you can see, some of us get really into it.... and some of us turn to drink.


  1. Merry christmas and a happy new year Rebecca!

    Carol singing in the pub sounds like the best way to spend Christmas Eve! Our local pub doesn't do anything like that, so we just got drunk in front of the TV!!


  2. Thankyou and Happy New Year to you too!

    Getting drunk in front of the telly sounds good too, that's how I'd like to have spent my New Years eve!
