The writing of a girl who likes heavy metal and dolls houses, making things and charity shopping

Sunday, 11 September 2011

I've been absent....

I haven't blogged for ages. I started this with the notion that I'd use it as a sort of diary of my 29th year... Well, things did not go to plan and I stopped.

Winston Churchill was said to plagued by a black dog throughout his life. I wouldn't say I was actually plagued by one, it's more like a part time stalker, with visa issues. It can be deported for years and then suddenly slip through the tight security at passport control and be back with avengence. Even my lists couldn't help me this time and I stopped blogging, writing, reading... lots of things.

Happily... the irksome puppy has taken leave once more! (It might sound a bit cryptic but I know what I'm talking about even if no one else does). 

So, I should be blogging a bit more. Or, if I don't it won't be because I'm in a heap on the floor crying into my cornflakes (I didn't really do that... they were coco pops).


  1. These things happen, but everyone should blog when they feel like.

    I hope things are ok for you, and that there is less crying :(

  2. Thanks Hazel, yes things are much better now :) I was going to ask you how your knitting was getting on , but I've just seen a whole new blog for crochet! I'm going to follow as soon as I get back from Germany (going in a few hours- eeek!). I randomly met a lovely lady in a wool shop who gave me a crochet lesson afew months ago. I must go and see her again as I got stuck! How did you learn?

  3. He he, yes I have found I have more a passion for crochet than knitting. Ooooooh a trip to Germany!!

    That is very sweet of that woman, I must admit I have taught myself through books and watching videos on youtube sometimes pictures don't really show what to do very well.

  4. Rebecca, I think from you cryptic clues I understand a little about the 'black dog'. If you ever want to talk to someone not quite so close about it, do email me. Those crying on the floor moments are not fun. I am ever so glad you picked yourself back up, and glad to see you blogging :). x

  5. This is going to seem like an advert and, in a way it is, but it’s not intended that way.

    My blog, Esther’s Boring Garden Blog, has been given two pairs of tickets to the Grand Designs Show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. So far, none of its regular readers have expressed any interest. This is not surprising since hardly any of them (if any!) live anywhere near it.

    So, since it seems a shame that these tickets go unused, I’ve decided to plod around blogs from the Birmingham area - in case any of you are interested.

    To ‘win’ the tickets, all you have to do is to say how many exhibitors there will be (not in the least bit difficult to find out) leave a note on this post . . .

    and I’ll pick names randomly from a hat. (So far, there are none in it so, if you are interested, it may be worth your while!)

    Apologies if this interests you not in the slightest - and, if you would prefer this note not to be in your comments, I won’t be in the least bit offended should you delete it.

    Best wishes

    Esther Montgomery

  6. Thanks for leaving the 'more than 500 exhibitors' note on my post 'Walking on Water'.

    If you send me your address, I'll send you two complimentary tickets for the Grand Designs Show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.


    P.S. There's another pair to give away . . . so if you know anyone else who would like to go - do let them know to put their answer on the post and, depending on how quickly they do it - they may be lucky too!

  7. Oh - apologies - you'll need my email address - it's

