According to Mark from Peep Show, it's been scientifically proven that no one can really enjoy new years eve, the pressure is just far too immense. I would have to agree, it's rubbish. Next year my original plan of dvds, food and board games will take place!
Once the lingering depression faded, I set aside time to think about what I want out of 2011, planning and dreaming (one of my favourite past times). There are many things I want to do... they change all the time. I'm going to focus on the achievable aims for this year (they aren't resolutions, just aims, my resolution for this year is a good one!).
Rebecca's Aims for 2011
- To fit into all my clothes
- To make/ hold onto some of my money
- To make more of an effort with learning Italian
- To finish my studies (two subjects, can't face writing the titles... lots of work, this is the first step)
- To be super organised!
Basically, I want to infinitely better than I am now. I want to be practically perfect in every way. I want to be her-
Mary Poppins my idol.
Happy New Year everyone!
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