The writing of a girl who likes heavy metal and dolls houses, making things and charity shopping

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Weather Owl

Now, I've mentioned on my blog that I love charity shopping, but have yet to share any of my finds. I found this little fellow on Saturday, for 20p. He is a weather owl.

I was very pleased with my new friend and took him home. He was a bit grimy, and quite a lot dusty so I gave him a wash. This is where I made the fatal error. I put the weather owl in the washing up bowl, thinking him to be a resilient creature, whilst I washed some other purchases. It wasn't until I fished him out and saw all the sticky glue over his feathered body, that I realised this was not the thing to do. A lot of the colour on the weather owls body has come off (his belly is quite white, and his left eye a bit crusty). Poor weather owl, I  fear he shall never fly again.

More charity shop loot to be shared at the weekend!


  1. I had a bit of a panic when I thought all the paint was going to come off, thankfully his eyes were ok!

  2. But he's still cute! The dishevelled look always suits old ornaments - it makes him look wiser! x
